Motor numbering and rotation on APM

Hey guys

I'll be switching to the APM 2.6 controller pretty soon (from a CC3D) and doing lots of reading on getting the APM set up. My multicopter configuration is the Quad X. The rotation of the my motors are similar to what's shown on the wiki but the numbering is different. In other words, starting from the top left going clockwise of the Quad X configuration my motor 1 is top left/motor 2 top right/motor 3 bottom right/motor 4 bottom left.

My question is, do I have to match the motor numbering to what's shown on the wiki or will it not matter as long as their placement and rotations match the diagram? Thanks in advance

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  • I understand your problem and it has been a head scratcher  for me as well. It seems that there are different numbering

    methods out there. I forget now exactly what I did but pretty I just kept swapping motor wires around until I got the correct response according to the software being used.

    Hope that helps.

  • 3D Robotics

    I'm a little unclear by what you mean by "numbering". The numbers are arbitrary as long as you have the position and rotation right.

    • I suppose I meant the way they are connected to my current flight controller (CC3D). "Motor 1" is connected to port #1 on the CC3D, "Motor 2" to port #2 and so on.. I'm doing further research and learning that this will not apply to the APM.

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