Motor Sequence Confusion

Another beginner question from me...

I built a 3D quad 2.5 in the "+" configuration around Xmas time and am just now trying to get it up into the air.  I just re-ran my motor test and I am confused about what to do.

The description says that it begins in the first motor forward (which should be motor 3?) and goes counter-clockwise.  

When I run the test the first motor to run is marked 1 and then it proceeds in clockwise fashion (4-2-3).

This is all from the perspective of looking down at the unit sitting on the table props up.

So the motor direction is easy and I can always move the labels but what do I do about the fact that it seems to be sequencing them in the opposite direction?

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  • Clockwise is the correct sequence for the motors to spin up during the "motors" test.

    See for the proper spin.  The forward motor in a "+" configuration should spin clockwise.  Double check you have selected the proper body configuration.

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