Hi to all

we have a strange behavior on one of our drones. We are manufacturing drones, so this is not the first one....

Quadcopter 500mm, Pixhawk, v3.3.3,  ESC 30A, Turnigy motors, custom distribution board, carbon tubes.

ESC are below motors. Signal wires are done with shielded cable (ground to PX).

ESC calibration done.

SPIN_MOT to 70

The machine is running well, in stabilise mode, like 3/4 minutes.

Then we land the quadcopter and after disarm, the 4 motors still run.

Safety switch OFF, all motors stop

Safety switch ON, 1 or 2 motors start running.

After ARM, the 4 motors run.

OK, seem to be an interference problem but this appear (or maybe) when motors are hot. I mean if we do the same scenario without the propellers, we do not have this behavior.

Well, we change everything. Motors, ESC, TX, Pixhawk, etc. Same behavior.

Any idea (yes, we will change the distribution board) ?

thank you for your attention.

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  • we try to change the MOT_SPIN_ARMED=0, THR_MIN from 130 to 110, nothing better occurs !

    • we change RC3 from 880 to 867. The problem is almost gone but I still do not understand exactly why this problem occurs today. If someone has a good explanation... 

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