Motors don't receive 5v


I have an hexacopter with 920 KV motors, plastic 9443 propellers, and a 3 cells, 5000mAh, 25c battery. The drone weight is 1800 grams and I have a payload of 1400 grams. I have been reading and with the same configuration of motors and props I should have a total thrust of approximately 4200 grams. But not even I can't take off with a payload of 1000 grams. I measure the voltage at max throttle in my ESC's, and have an input of 5V, but an output of 4.2V. That means that my motors are not receiving the maximum power. I'm using Stabilize mode.

Does anyone have an idea of what is wrong or maybe there is a flight mode where I have more thrust or any other recommendation?.



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