
  • Thanks Jani

    I shall be more interested if I could buy some sample from you immediately as I required these motors ASAP

    Checked the Xcalc for multicopters. According to this there is no way with the existing motors I can go beyond 20 minutes with heavier batteries. So I had to use the gears. Now Gear does the magic.

    Can anyone help what kind of motor parameters are required to swing a bigger (15" or bigger prop) like

    Kv, poles, Internal resistance, current and power rating etc

  • Developer

    Farooq, what you do mean by ultra low Kv?? As lately we have been running a lot of tests and doing finetuning for our motors, we have been testing some low kv motors.

    Here is a quick pre-view on what type of motors we are working and they are both low kv motors that swings 15-16" propellers

    3692315602?profile=originalOn a table we have our prototype/test motors and as a reference there is one of our AC2830-358 motors too. Lowest propeller is our 10x45 prop and above that is 15" carbon fiber propeller what is meant to use on those low kv motors.

    As a quick reference. With just 2.2Amps we can create around 420 gram of lifting power with 15" propeller. We are still looking to get them better. Hopefully we can have them ready on January or so.

    Another line of motors is also coming soon out from jDrones, will let you know when those are ready.

  • Too many variables (weight, battery, prop size and type, ESC's) to give a straight answer. Try a google search for 'multicopter calculator'. That should be a good place to start.

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