Moverio™ BT-100 Wearable Display

So ive been hunting for a replacement for my horrible fatsharks wondering what the pros think of these , the specs are pretty good and i love the transparent display (perfect for hand launching without losing line of site with the plane in the first few seconds of flight).

i currently have my video feed from my lawmate receiver running through a capture card into my laptop and ive been using the the screen to navigate but i want to go back to goggles im wondering how hard it will be to use the BT-100 as a secondary screen being android there must be someone out there to make an app unless it hasnt already been done, this dude has it controlling an AR parrot , bearing in mind its designed to work with android / iphone so im sure it wouldn't be that complex to write an app to do this

although its a little different taking a analog signal from lawmate and somehow getting it to the moverio

any ideas would be great , any feed back on whether or not these are worth it would also be great


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  • Dude, the Epson's Moverio is very intriguing to say the least. Fatshark's make zero sense to me for flying a copter.

    Sounds like Moverio does not have a video input by default. That said, Epson has shown a board that will let you input composite video:

    I assume though that this would make the trackpad and android part which you're also purchasing redundant.

    Hopefully someone makes a similar device that is just the video overlay portion with composite video input.

    OR I wonder if it's possible to say attach a MAVlink radio to the Android via like ADK or something and build some type of Augmented reality OSD system.

  • Just out of curiosity, why were you so unhappy with your fatshark glasses? Was it the dominator or an older model?

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