MP bug? in 1.2.13 and 1.2.14

I set up a mission with 5 waypoints.  Just to ID them, I set each WPT at a different altitude.  WPT1 is 14M, and hovering the mouse over WPT1 shows ALT=14.  WPT 2-5 are correct as well.  now I insert a Takeoff and Land before and after the list of waypoints.

Here's the problem.  The displayed WPTs renumber, which is OK since I inserted a takeoff before WPT1.  But the mouseover altitudes are wrong now  In this image the mouse is over the first WPT which is labeled "2".  It was "1" before inserting the Takeoff command.  Further the rest of the WPTs show the wrong altitude on Mouseover, and the last WPT is no longer on the map.

So what's wrong here?  Is it my mission planning workflow?


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  • Developer
    this bug will be fixed in the next version
  • Developer

    i will check this out

  • I have the same problem, when I erase the takeoff point the altitudes are correct. And when I execute the mission the landing don't execute, seem that the plane increase its altitude.

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