
    • I did.

      Landed, swapped the batt, started up in stab, transitioned to loiter, then auto, which it them proceeded to WP1 and began all over again.

      Did this twice, both times going to auto, mission started over again at WP1.

      Is there any documentation on the feature and the way it is supposed to work?

      • Developer

        where you testing with plane or copter?

        • Copter.

          So, currently no documentation then?

          • Developer

            currently no, i made modifications yesterday to it. but currently you still need to define the starting point

            • Not clear on what you mean by defining the start point.  Here is what I do;

              1.  Polygon, Simple Grid, Split into 3 segments, Accept

              2.  There are additional WP's in the lower dialogue box, with RTL's and Takeoff's.

              3.  Write mission

              4.  Take off and switch to Auto

              5.  Hits the RTL WP, and lands

              6.  Swap battery, launch in Stab, switch to Auto

              7.  Mission/flight begins again at WP1.

              How am I to define the starting point noted in your earlier comment?

              Maybe this feature is not usable at this time?

              Thanks again!

              • Developer

                you need to manual set the start point for the mission after the first battery.
                ie if the last rtl was at point 30, you would need to manualy set the wp to 31.

                you can do this on flightdata from the actions tab.

                • Hi Michael, but in mission plan splited, there is already take-off command,  In my example: As others-restarting couses start mission from the very begining.3702931737?profile=original

      • Developer

        i think i will need to revisit this function. it did workm but seems to be problimatic atm.

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