MPLAB-X downloads

I am coming back from a long hiatus, and wanted to catch up on Matrix Pilot.  

I saw a post on GitHub by Peter Hollands that Matrix Pilot was going over to MPLAB-X and listed the downloads needed to do this.

I was able to download MPLAB-X v3.45, XC16 v1.26, but was not sure about his third item which was "dspic peripheral support library" which was to appear further down on the Compiler Download tab.  I only found a line called "PIC24/dsPIC Peripheral Libraries v2.00".  Not sure this was the same, but even so, if I click it, it only brings me back to the Compiler Download apparent way to download anything.

Can someone give me the link to the "dspic peripheral support library" that Peter references?

Sorry if this is the wrong place to ask...trying to get up to speed.


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  • Thanks Peter...good to hear from you again.  Is there a "How To" post, video or pdf on getting started with MPLAB-X?  The PICProgrammingGettingStarted.pdf on Google Drive is from 2009 using the old MPLAB IDE.

    I hope that once I get thru the initial startup stuff I can get back to flying and doing tests by modifying the code again.



    Pete Hollands said:


    Scroll down to the bottom of the XC16 compiler downloads page and you will select one of the following possible downloads for mac, linux and windows. (see attached image).

    You were nearly in the correct place when you tried last time. And yes, you are correct in that I agree that clicking on Pic24/dspic Peripheral Libraries takes you back to the top of the page. That is a shame (and is surely a web master fault), as the links you wanted are just slightly further down the page.

    Best wishes, Pete


  • Developer


    Scroll down to the bottom of the XC16 compiler downloads page and you will select one of the following possible downloads for mac, linux and windows. (see attached image).

    You were nearly in the correct place when you tried last time. And yes, you are correct in that I agree that clicking on Pic24/dspic Peripheral Libraries takes you back to the top of the page. That is a shame (and is surely a web master fault), as the links you wanted are just slightly further down the page.

    Best wishes, Pete


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