
  • Also if you don't mind I've been having problems connecting my 3DR radio to my APM 2.5. It begins to connect but fails when it tries to load parameters. For some reason it can't load the parameters from my APM 2.5. It loads the sensor information for that one instant that it is connected, it'll even zero in on my gps location, but it cancels the connect when "getParamsList" fails. I am able to connect to the antenna in the radio config, I can see the settings for the remote antenna. I attached a picture of the error I am seeing.


    3DR MavLink Connection Error.jpg
  • Developer

    So the important things are:

        the mpu6000's registry map document

        the accelerometer config is set on line 444 or 458 in the AP_InertialSensor_MPU6000.cpp file

        but if the change that you also need to change the hardcoded _accel_scale value in that same file.  This appears on line 177 of AP_InertialSensor_MPU6000.cpp.


    Good luck, hope this helps.

  • Tony,  I'm also interested in this topic for gyros as well.  Part of my issues on the last high altitude flight were associated with gyro saturation and loss of the attitude matrix.  So, this is on the todo list.   Keep me up with what you find out if I don't get to it 1st.  Also mods need to be tested to see if we get similar results.   Regards,  LG

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