Mq-9 98" or X8 flying wing

Hi, I'm looking to build a uav drone and what your opinions on the two options above. Now I'm well aware about everybody's dislike of the reaper but it needs to be a military uav plane and there isn't really much choice. I only recently heared about the x8 and am willing to consider this over the mq-9 if it really is so much better. I need detachable wings due to transportation. (I'm sure this has been done many times on the reaper), enough room for fpv equipment and later on an ardupilot. I've read up on the many problems it has (wing flex,not much room if unmodified, thin fuselarge) but that's nothin some carbon rods and Kevlar wot fix. As for the x8 I'm pretty clueless. Any help welcomed. Thanks.

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  • I have an MQ-9 now in small pieces and I have a X8 Wing. There is no comparison the MQ-9 is difficult to fly and there is very little room inside for equipment. The X8 Wing is fantastic, very easy to fly absolutly loads of room in the fuse it also looks fantastic in flight. It looks very similar to the one that went down in Iran (sorry cant remember its name now) if you paint it the same colour. Read all 340 pages of this blog and you will be convinced, or start half way through when people are starting to get them up and running. Also the wings are easy to detach and it is much easier to build than the MQ-9

  • Also considering the global hawk and the target drone.
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