Multiple LiPos in Parallel Setup?

Hey Guys,

I have a question regarding the setup of multiple LiPos.

I have a Droidworx (now Aeronavics) SkyJib Hex rotor running on APM 2.5+, with E-Flite Power 32 motors, and Phoenix Ice 75 Lite ESCs. For the past few months I've been powering my hex with 2 Thunder Power 5000maH G6 Pro Performance 45C batteries. I've been distributing the power to the ESCs via an 8 circuit terminal block from McMaster Carr. But I'm now trying to increase my flight time, by possibly adding some more batteries and more importantly reducing the overall weight of the craft. 

My first order of weight reduction is to get rid of the terminal block as it is overly heavy and overly large. So I will need a new way of distributing the power. I have been looking into 3DR's hex-rotor distribution board. The problem is, it only has the single set of battery input wires. 

So finally, my question: What is the best way to put 2 or more LiPos in parallel to plug into this one port?

I have seen cables that bunch several 10AWG wires and continue them through one 10AWG wire and I've heard of using PCB boards to bring several batteries into one set of wires. Which way is the best way? Or if there is another approach that is best, what is it?


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