So I've been building a hexacopter.  Today, after 4 semi-successful flights (only small crashes) my APM2.5 suddenly can't connect to the software anymore.  I've done all the normal troubleshooting (restart, trying different USB ports, disconnecting and reconnecting).

What happens is, the Mavlink connection window will count down from 30 and then say, "No Heatbeat Packets Detected".  Why?

This started happening after I loaded a GPS waypoint onto the APM 2.5 board, if that makes any difference.

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  • I've just received a brand new APM2.5 but cannot connect to Mission Planer V1.2.31. The USB Driver is installed and reads ArduinoMega 2560 (COM4), that's what I've selected in Mission Planer but no joy... same error as yours after the timeout "No Heartbeat Packets detected" is shown.

    I'm using Windows 7 64Bit and connect the APM2.5 via the supplied USB cable. Nothing else is connected to the APM.

    I've had a look in the Device Manager, but there ist no Tab in the Properties of COM4 which allows to set the baudrate and other parameters.

    Any help is very much appreciated.

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