My APM2 imu test gives all zeroes

I'm new to Arduplane, and I bought my APM2 a few weeks ago. Now I'm starting to build my test platform and I want to perform an initial test before connecting the receiver, servos, osd and etc., so I just plugged it barely to the usb cable that connects to my Windows7 PC and test it under Mission Planner.

The board is loaded with ArduPlane 2.3 using Mission Planner 1.1.56. With the usb cable connected, I hold the board in my hand and mildly tilt and rotate it, but Mission Planner don't show the board's attitude on the artificial horizon screen, so I try to see if the raw test under CLI can confirm if the imu is functioning in the APM2. I entered the test menu under CLI, then type imu. the axis poll rolls out with all numbers zeroed.

I re-connected the usb cable, rebooted my PC, reloaded AP2.28 and AC2.5, using arduino, arduinocc and Mission Planner, all above has been done many times, but all gives the same result.

Do my APM2 board needs an RMA, and any suggestions can I try before that?


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