Hi guys,I need some help.This is my first quadcopter build and i need some help.I have a zmr250 with brushless 1804-2400KV motors with simonK 12a Esc,A CC3D ATOM MINI,A 3s 1300mAh turnigy nanotech battery,A FS-CT6B transmitter with a FS-R6B receiver.
But when setting it up i plug it in and will start to calibrate the Esc and my front left motor and my right rear will just make a whining noise and not spin they sometimes very slowly kind of shake back and forth while the other motors spin fine.Also when setting my transmitter up my movements wont show up and when its all done ill lay the quad flat and plug it in and it wont arm or do anything. And yes ive reset the CC3D And upgraded it
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