My Heli Suicided

Just finished moving the APM2 to under the heli like how people do with their APM1.  Test flew it the first time, it seemed highly sensitive.  Well, just updated APM Planner to 1.1.79 as well.  Not sure if it has anything to do with that.  Or maybe just lag of anti-vibration since it doesn't have enough head room to get the wire cleaned from the top of the compartment.  Anyway, other than the "usual" progressively increasing drifting, it flew fine.  I had to control it very delicately.  It seemed like it didn't have any good self leveling control, or worst.  Oh, I've also disabled the new option on Yaw P about how much I trust the magnetic sensor for the Yaw.  It was causing my tail to twitch over 45 degree at time.  After changing it to 0%.  The tail was solid!  I think the APM2 is too close to the motor while mounting it under the heli.

There came the 2nd pack of battery.  I spool it up slowly anticipating any tilting before lift off.  Just a bit before getting to the lift off point, it did a hard roll to the right.  The entire heli is twisted now. I'm too tired to count how many broken parts...  It also broke my Heli landing spot, which is actually my hot tube cover.  That thing cost even more than my heli.  lol.


Oh well.  I think I have enough fussing around with the heli for now.  Going to watch some TV instead...


2012-05-03 19-29-15 CRASH! roll right on take off.tlog

2012-05-03 18-52-10 APM at bottom Test1- too sensitive.tlog

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  • Hmmm... sorry to hear that.  I can't see what happened because it's so bloody fast.  Nothing nothing nothing then BOOM on it's side. The Ch1-3 servo out readings do a step function jump just like the pitch and roll do.

    It's almost like it blacked out.  How are you powering the board?

    After what we talked about today, I probably wouldn't have tried flying it until we found the root cause.

  • Ouch that sucks sorry to hear that. Well i am glad i decided to not use the APM 2.0 and go with a more industrialized auto pilot system. After reading a few posts i did not think that the APM 2.0 was quite ready for traditional heli. Some of the quad copter guys are even having troubles. I know its frustrating and costly to R & D but thats the price we pay for things still in development. I think the APM 2.0 still has a long way to go but at least they are on the right track. Well good luck on the rebuild.

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