My quad reverse signals in mid flight.

Hi all,

Sorry for rushing in. This is my first post and I hope someone can help me understand what's going on.

I have a H-quad with:

Arducopter 2.9.1b

3S 4500 mah

ESC with Simon K

BL 2830/11 1000kv

10x4.5 CF prop

Flysky 9 ch radio

The quad is stable and flies beautifully.

I'm on my fourth H frame of wood. The other three is crashed for the same reasons

When I arm and start flying I am in stabilize and simple mode, but about a minute into the flying

all signals are reversed! And this is without warning.

If the front of the quad is facing away from me and I hold the stick forward, the quad abruptly stops in mid air and comes back towards me. This goes for both roll,pitch and yaw.

Since my confidence is long gone after the crashes and it behaves like this, I really need any kind of help from you guys.

/ Tomas

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  • Hi there, i am experiencing the same Roll-pitch reverse mid flight in simple mode. Flies 1 min and than reverses. I have Arducopter 3.1 on a Tricopter. Yaw seems right.
  • I have experienced the same when in 'super' simple mode. In this mode the home position is recorded when you arm and this position is used to re-orient the controls as though the copter is always facing away from you. It presumes that you are standing at the home location. There is a buffer zone around the home position (10m I believe) within which the copter will always behave as though it is in its take off orientation (as in standard simple mode). Beyond the 10m zone, the copter will constantly recalculate its orientation so the pitch forward on the sticks always sends the copter directly away from you etc. Because this mode uses the GPS to record the home position and the current location, it is subject to normal GPS errors. If you arm the copter with a poor GPS signal then the location of the 'home' position can be some way off your actual position. Like wise, if your GPS signal degrades in flight, your current loction can be affected. Both scenarios can lead to the situation where the copter thinks it is outside the 10m buffer zone and that the home location is currently on the opposite side from where it actually is - thus causing the copter to reverse the controls. The GPS can easily drift more than 10m in poor conditions. In the typical back yard when flying in close to buildings etc, you WILL get caught out at some stage if frequently use super simple mode. Standard simple mode does not rely on the GPS in this way and you should not experience such control reversals in this mode.

  • Try simple mode rather than super simple mode.

  • Here is some logs from my latest flight.

    Hope you guys can make something out of it.

    I dont know what to look for or which one of them you use for checking flight data???

    / Tomas

  • It sounds like you're having compass/motor interference. That combined with simple mode would be problems.  You'll be better off in the long run learning to fly without simple mode, but you need to check your compass.

  • Posting a log would be very helpful and increase the likelihood of getting a response.

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