Need a little help

Received my arducopter from Udrones all assembled.   Set all the modes to stabalize using mission planner 1.0.77.


Didn't seem to want to work, then suddenly when pushing up on throttle motors started and stoped.  Thinking this is a good sign.  Unpluged the USB cable, then battery, and turned off transmitter.


Waited a few minutes, then turned on transmitter, plugged in battery.  Now three of the motors beep and twitch (1,2,4) and if I arm the motors and give throtle 3 works.


What have I done????


Blue light goes from a slow flash to a fast flash (my understanding from instructions tells me it see's the receiving when it does this.)


any idea's . . . I would love to get this thing flying



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  • Developer

    Michael it sounds like your ESC lost it's calibrations. As we are doing these Assembled kits at jDrones too, we hear this type of beeping a lot.


    There are two main reasons for it. 1) your radio calibration in not correct, 2) ESCs don't have proper calibration.


    Automatic Group calibration like Steve named is working just fine. At least with original ArduCopter ESCs that are coming from jDrones but we do not know what ESCs your kit have as they are not from us. But you should be able to calibrate them manually at least.


    So check your radio calibrations and then calibrate ESCs again just in case.

    ArduCopter - Kits
    Most famous ArduCopter design by original manufacturer jDrones. Our ArduCopters are widely used by private, professional, Universities, Governments a…
  • I would really recommend reading the entire wiki on how to set up your new quad copter and install a more recent version of Mission Planner and also update the APM version to the latest 2.0.49. A lot of changes have been made seen Udrones built your quad and you will be wasting your time with code that is so old. Everything is explained in the wiki.

  • Well I pluged it back in, went into the set up and did the first option "reset" then didn't mess with anything other than making sue stabalize was in all the optsions.  tried it again and it worked (other than I had to go in and check reverse on everything but throttle) and got it in the air.  Tried the Alt_hold and it just wanted to keep going up so not sure what's going on with that.  But at least it was in the air. 

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