Need advice on purchasing Iris+

I have an opportunity to buy new Iris+ for a really low price (I guess, clearance in a local shop).

Can anyone tell me whether that's a right thing to do, bearing in mind that:

1. I do have an f450 frame APM 2.8 powered quad I built myself last year. It's working okay, though not perfectly.

2. I know, Iris+ has a Pixhawk and all that, but is there any major difference in stability and\or flight time? (mine is around 12 mins with gopro+gimbal). Oh, and I have M8N GPS

3. The other thing is, I've checked youtube and and saw legs in all those vids from iris+ -_- Is there any solution to this problem, cause I hate seeing legs in vids I shoot from my f450!

4. I'm outside of the US, and I guess it will be next to impossible for me to get official replacement parts. Is there a possibility to replace motos\ESC with non-3DR products? Cause otherwise, in case of crush or  motor/esc failure...I'm loosing the whole quad.....

In general, is it worth buying? Cause it seems iris+ community isn't big and active... at least, from my perspective.

*3DR Solo is waaaay out of my budget.

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