Hi everyone
I am new to these issues so I have few questions about my grad project. Let me describe it for you. we are asked to build an X type quadcopter that tracks a gps signal on a person and follows he/she in front of him/her (follow me mode). it will be act autonomusly. It stays in a stationary position when the user calls it, it has to hover at a certain altitude and has to maintain the tracking altitude of that person. the schematic is below. we are planning to use xbees for communications and
Multiwii type flight controller which has(hold altitude,autopilot, magnetometer, sensors,etc. functions) I also figured out to use ppm encoder to convert data received from xbee pwm to ppm. I want this quadcopter to fly smoothly, strong enough to carry the items mentioned above. and we need to fly it from pc at first. My professor wants us to program autopilot by arduino or beaglebone. I know how to write codes on arduino but I have no idea about the GPS, Xbee and flight controller library and syntax. I found Multiwii 2.4 ino file and it was horrifying to modify.
1-how can I do this project?
2- What type of open source Flight controller do you suggest?
3- How can I find Flight Conroller libraries if there exists
4-Where can I find simple codes for arduino? I appreciate all help.
Hey ogun,
Could you give me some advice?
I have a quadcopter with a multiWii flightcontroller which is controlled using Tx/Rx.
I want to make it autonomous (make it hover and land autonomously).
How do I get started? Would the XBee unit be all I need or is there something else?
Thanks very much in advance for your help!