Need help building a tilt wing eVTOL plane


I want to build my own miniature (4 foot wingspan) version of the Rolls Royce eVTOL which you can see demonstrated here:

The four main props will not be folding in my design though. And there will not be a gas powered generator to worry about. The tail section of my eVTOL will look more like a V-22 Osprey tail, but with a prop located in the join section of the elevator and vertical fin of each side. The entire elevator/fins section will also pivot like the wing does. 

I have been out of the RC hobby for a long time (the late 90s) so all my transmitters and radio equipment is junk now. I do have lots of blue foam from Lowe's and just made myself a hot wire foam cutter. Balsa wood seems so heavy compared to the foam!

Anyway, I want good quality motors, props, batteries, radio equipment, servos etc. Help me make a shopping list!

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  • :) without any insult, you are out of the hobby since 1990 and first thing you want to build is eVTOL...its a major under taking.

    You need to learn the new 2.4 Ghz TX, RX systems first, How flight controllers work, GPS systems, Electric motors, Ground control software like Mission planner...

    There is no way you can get this done day 1. I am just being honest.

    Here is your learning shopping list



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