Need help completing a drone build

Hi there,

years ago, I had set on to create a drone from scratch - i was following a blog tutorial (

I had soldered the motors to the main board tower (which consisted of the ESC + Flight controller) - connected the battery, and then i was able to spin the motor, via sending a signal to the main board, while connecting the board to my computer, via USB... I thought it was nearly ready - but then i got distracted, accidentally plugged the ESC board into the Flight controller incorrectly (they are like stackable boards),  and fried one of the boards - wasn't able to get that to work for a while... then I tried to buy the same ESC + Flight controller again, but it got lost in shipping (this was in 2020, when the pandemic started) and then i was not able to purchase the same board again, since it is now discontinued ... 

My question for you guys is - am i able to re-use parts that i've got (the motors, the battery, the transmitter/receiver, camera) & drone frame, and rebuild the drone, using similar parts ??

These are the parts i have -

Originally I needed the  - => to complete my build - but most places have it sold out, or when I buy, they send something else (last time i tried to purchase, the seller sent me a cheap ring!)

What i think I need - is a ESC / Flight controller stack, which is compatible with my transmitter/receiver & motors, camera, battery => which would fit in the drone frame that i've got (the toasted flight controller is 20x20mm) ..

I was looking at these options - 

But i'm not sure if they will be compatible with my project, would anyone be able to point me in the right direction ? 

I'm trying to avoid buying parts that wont be compatible, as this project has already gone over my budget :(

Things which concern me:

1) I am confused by the firmware / software controller system of the ESC/Flight controller (Betaflight ? EMU flight ? INAV ) - my understanding of these softwares - is to calibrate the flight controller, to the motors

2) voltage requirements for the ESC/Flight controller - since the battery pack i've got is a 2S - will that have an issue for the 'newer' flight controllers that are out there ? 


I would really love to have this project completed, instead of it gathering dust in my garage :) 



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