Need help in making a quadcopter

Hey, I need some help to make a surveillance quad-copter with the raspberry pi and pi cam(I'm fine with an arduino also, if it's possible). I plan on controlling it with a mobile phone or a dual shock 4(if possible to somehow connect it to WiFi)via WiFi(this is for a school project so the range is not a problem). It shouldn't be from an ARF kit, since I would like to build it from scratch.

It would be better if it could at least fly 3 feet from the ground and live stream a video.
I'm a beginner with the Pi and the only experience I have with it was in my last project, where I made a webcam server.

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  • Could you give me a link please.

    Aamir khan said:

    There are lots of videos on YouTube check it out
  • There are lots of videos on YouTube check it out
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