Need help to repair IMU Shield

After a crash with my quad, the IMU Shield USB port has been detached. I think the main pins are not damaged, but the four fixation pins are completely desoldered.I have tried to solder again when I realize that there is no metal in the pad as you can see in the photos. How can I fix this problem?



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  • Thanks Sebastian.
  • As far as I can see those 4 'anchor' or fixation pads are not connected to anything [I stand to be corrected on this]

    If that is the case and provided the 5 main pins are not broken then 4 spots of a suitable epoxy glue under each of

    the 4 pads should do the trick. 

  • First clean off all the flux, uck... ;)

    then get some good solder paste and lay each layer down above and below contact, then briefly touch each to get good melt and contact with the board. then clean off the flux again and do wiggle test watching close the meter for ohm jump, mostly ground points are ok... just dont scrape and accidently connect other copper paths

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