need help troubleshooting

Some background information first. I've had my airplane flying successfully with autopilot for several months. I recently ordered the Xbee modules for telemetry.

After installing the Xbee I was able to power up, get a GPS lock and see telemetry with the airplane on the ground. When I took it to fly I noticed that I was now getting everything but the GPS data through the Xbee. Since then I have not been able to get the IMU to show a GPS lock. ON powerup I get the normal sequence of flashing lights. The IMU only shows green and yellow. The blue shield light come on solid almost immediately. As I mentioned the Xbee won't show GPS or somtimes it will show coordinates but they are jumping around the planet every 10 seconds or so.So far I've checked the GPS with UCenter and everything is normal there. I have also reloaded the IMU code and the Ardupilot code. Results were the same.

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