Need Help: Uphill Photography and Multirotors

Hello Rotory-folk,

I usually hang with the straight and level crowd in fixed-wing-ville but a buddy of mine asked me a question relating to quads/multirotors and a project of his and I need some help.

What he wants to do is to have a quad/multirotor do a low level survey of a hillside. How low level? Like... five feet of the ground. But what about trees? No trees. It's a flat, treeless, shrub free hillside. The trick is that he wants the quad to go about five feet off the ground up and down this hillside and I have no idea how to do that. So I come to you good people with wing in hand to see what ideas you have. The best I can think of is an ultrasonic sensor that keeps the whirling dervish at a set distance but I don't know if APM can do that. 

Thanks for the advice my multi-propeller beanie wearing friends. 


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