Need help with Reconnaissance blimp

I am doing a massive school project, we have a few months to work on it. I chose to build a blimp with a camera, no auto pilot or anything just a real time feed camera. I have also worked out everything but the motor control. I am planning on using 2 micro speed controlers that have reverse. I was wondering what you guys use, and if there are micro speed controlers (only for about 7.2 volts max) that have reverse. I am also puzzled with prices, I have seen good small speed controlers on Ebay for 3$, but whenever they have reverse, its 40$+. And from what I have read, a reverse enabled circuit isn't that much more complicated. Any help or info would realy help me and I shal send the helper a cookie

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  • I give you a website which makes custom Blimps much cheaper than in the US at they fly custom made blimps and aerial photography.Personally I bought 2 9ft blimps for my projects.
  • 3D Robotics
    Just out of curiosity, why do you need them to reverse? We use vectoring differential thrusters on Blimpduino without reverse and it's as maneuverable as anybody would want. See video here
  • Take a look at what we did with Given that you refer to micro speed controllers, I assume you are operating indoors. We use very small motors that draw less than 1A each and control them via a simple 2-channel H-bridge.

    For that matter, the Blimpduino has a similar setup with H-bridges, though you probably need a larger envelope in order to add the weight of a camera. Maybe Chris can make a suggestion.

    There are small reversible RC ESC's for brushless motors - see

    For brushed motors, this one is pretty reasonable for dual motor control -

    Beyond that, you could look on the website for motor controllers, but you probably won't find anything for $3.
  • Admin
    Hi Dale,
    Why not use tiltable pods , how are you going to steer ? Using 2 additional servos you could build such function without the need for reverseing the motor, you just turn the whole motor assembly to point forward or backwards or any angle in between using one of the pot channels IMHO
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