Need information for a beginner!

I am going to build my own quad. But i need alot of basic information, which i can not find.


I know there is alot of info, but i need really basic information. I do not know anything about which ampere on esc and which motor i should choose and so on.


Please, I need all information you can provide me with,



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  • @  Mickele & Michael

    Be aware of the swashplate mixing when using the heli setup for the quad.

  • I searched but cannot find a definition of PID.
    Any help appreciated!
  • I'm very interested in your questions. I'm working on a general FAQ. Please email me your questions and I'll try to find you an answer. Good questions will get included in the FAQ. 
  • I have read the information you have posted, Thanks guys!

    But i would like to read something about why I should choose a specifik motor/ESC/batteri and so on, i would like to learn what things in the descriptions of an item actually means. How a controllingcard works etc..

    Where can i learn all this?
  • 3D Robotics
    Start here.
  • Check out the specs for the diydrones quad. Should point you in the right direction. They also offer a kit which includes all electronics. If you want to use different ones, i'm sure some members could point you in the right direction, but I would suggest google. It is an open source project so the code can be changed for whatever electronics you choose.
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