Need More Roll and Pitch

Hello everyone,We are making great progress with everyone's help on the forums, even tried the first Loiter today but encountered some toilet bowling effect. Anyways, I've had an issue dealing with the Pitch and Roll stick inputs. I tuned the Rate Roll and Rate Pitch "P-values" to around 0.08, any higher and I get bad cyclic oscillations. I can't seem to find a parameter though that allows me to get more travel from my transmitters right stick roll/pitch. Now that I am test flying outside, the wind is blowing the aircraft away and I can't bring it back. I did some bench testing and the swash tilts very small amounts. How can I get more swash tilt without upping the Rate Roll/Pitch values more.Thanks again!Evan

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  • Developer

    Toilet bowling in Loiter is normally caused by bad compass heading which is often caused by interference on the compass from the motor.  An external compass is the best solution.  I don't think compassmot (which is the other solution) can be run on the tradheli.

    • Hey Randy,

      Interesting, I have a 3DR GPS/Compass combo on the heli but that didn't seem to be getting good readings so I switched it over to the Pixhawks internal compass and tried that.  Neither really worked well and I don't know why, no matter how many times I calibrated the compass with the compass initially facing north like it says in the video tutorial, it had a hard time finding north after calibration.  I have the Pixhawk oriented right side up and arrow forward and the 3DR compass behind it in the same upright/forward orientation.  

      At one point the Pixhawk's internal compass had a pretty good reading and I did a bench test with the blades off to see what happens with motor interference at full RPM and it seems to work right, but when I did a test flight, the toilet bowling still occurred.

      I am thinking at this point I just have to figure out how to get that external 3DR compass working right.  Do you have any advice for getting a better compass reading?  

      Thanks for your help

  • Have you set the Rate Roll and Pitch FeedForward values?  They are available in the Full Parameters list. Rate_Pitch_FF.  Try small values, maybe half of your P value.  Don't be afraid to work your way up to values larger than P if you're not having an problems.

    • Hey Rob,

      Thanks again for such quick replies.

      Never really looked into the Rate_Pit_FF and Rate_RLL_FF in the Full Param list.  I just looked and my values for FF  for both were zero and upping them to half my P values definitely increased movement in all directions.  Awesome, I think this is the Param I'm looking for.  

      Will test and report back if I have issues.

      Thanks so much

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