I always figured that drones were mostly about a personalized quad with a camera attached so you can get the photo that was not possible otherwise. However, it is graviting to so much more and all with a futurestic tilt to it.
Case in point: Amazon looking to incorporate delivery drones. Amazon, in fact, wants to have a drone expressway, just high enough to be above everything else. Not high enough to be a bother to an aircraft. They still need to work on this point.
The two newest developments are really minding blowing. Uber, has petitioned the use of drones the size of a small automobile for San Francisco. Dubai is taking this one step further by having drone manufacturer EHang assist in making a drone/flying car taxi.
While I am leary on this point, once the bugs are worked out, this could be the way to go. Here is what is known about the Flying Car/Drone for Dubai for which it is suggested July 2017 as the starting date to get this going.