New APM 2.5 broken APM?

Hello. I am new to this forum and to arducopter in general.Just received my arducopter hexa b RTF 5 days ago and have been trying to figure it out since. Which have lead me to understand that i have multiple problems and sporadic behaviour from the copter itself.1: i can not get the MP to calibrate my radio in GUI. It does calibrate in the CLI (terminal) but when i enter the graphicsl setup there are neither green fillings nor red lines showing the inputs from the Tx. I know it works in the CLI because i can test the radio and see the readings of the radio sticks in the terminal.2: the ABC leds don't always light up when i plug in the lipo. It used to before i ever plugged the APM into the MP. Since it happened there is a orange light flashing rapidly by the power led (PPM led?).a and C led does however light up while cslibrating ESC's3: i can do the automatic ESC calibration and this is the only way to get the engines to spin, but the sounds made doesn't match with the ones in the description, but the esc's won't arm nor spin after the procedure.As you can see i am in a pickle. I kind of want to factory reset everything to make sure i haven't done something wrong while setting it up. Is there a way to totally fornat the APM to start over. The reset button don't seem to do much.Any tips on how to proceed would be much appreciated./ Crying at my workbench

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  • Forgot to mention I am using a Futaba T14SG transmitter and a R7008SB receiver
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