New cloud service for automatic mosaicing

Hello aerial mappers!

In the continuous effort to make aerial imaging easy and affordable we created a cloud service for automatically mosaicing images collected with any aerial vehicle. The results are automatically georeferenced and orthorectified.

The process is completely autonomous and it only requires 3D GPS information for each image (XYZ).

We are looking for beta testers and we'd love to hear your feedback. We offer free trials and unlimited pre-processing of each dataset.

Please visit and register for an invite or contact me directly.


John Gates

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  • OK, nice!

    I have just made the registration on the link above.


  • Hello,

    We have pictures from several aerial survey flights.  They do not have GPS data.  Our database includes .kml files of the mission path (from DIY Drones Mission Planner) log files from the APM flight controller and .jpg images.

    We would like to be a part of your beta test program. 

    We fly in the Carlsbad CA area. 

  • Hello

    I see on your web that you also resell Enazomasaic SW . So your process cloud is based on that technology or did you develop a competitive technology of your own?



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