New copter

Honestly, I've never flow a rotor craft before, but I just got this thing in the air for a brief few seconds today.

It not all quite right yet, but damn close.

Got my hardware/motor kit on Friday.  Great packaging, good thought to the design.  Great for a noob at quads like me.

I already had the APMega/Oilpan.  It took me one night to get the frame together, and understand the construction, and this morning, I had the electronics in, and configured.

Another hour of troubleshooting switching over to X mode, and I got her in the air.

A few comments:

1)  This piece of the magnetometer snapped off pretty easily on me.


I was able to fix it (I think), but I'm just glad I felt it come loose

2)  The 3" cable that ships with the mtek GPS or mag is fairly useless.  Not really long enough to reach anything.  Rigging that is what probably took me the longest of the whole build.  I'm glad I had the 10" or so one from the uBlox.  That got me to the mtek, and the 3" *barely* (upside down) got me to the APMega shield with the magnetometer.

3)  I had one motor being erratic, and it wound up being a broken solder joint on the red bullet end of the PERFECTLY SIZED motor wires.

4)  Definitely going to go but some extra props, but I've given these a couple good whacks, and they're holding strong.






Nice work guys.  Need to learn more about the mag, and how to actually fly this thing.


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  • Developer
    Full kit includes 15cm cable for GPS but as you said, you had electronics already so that might be a problem if you don't have longer cable for it. Good thing is that you had longer cable :)

    If you want, you can mount your ESCs around Arches. Mount them with cable tie around area where are those 2 "hooks". Power cables facing towards center and 3 phase cables goes around Arch and under cable tie behind.

    Like in following picture:

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