New F450 Drone! (And No0b problems)

Morning All,

I have just put together my first drone to mess around and it seemed to fly fine. I could get it stable in the air and it did what I needed. It sat in storage for a couple of months and now I seem to be having a little trouble. I wanted to put something together fairly cheaply as a 'beater' as such.

F450 Frame

4x Sunnysky 2212 980kv motors

APM 2.6 with the stock GPS(!?!)

So I have brushed the dust off, checked the batteries and they appear all good and plugged her in on a full charge only to watch a 2200 20C battery discharge to about 60% BEFORE the GPS even got a lock (about 2 minutes)...

HELP! Is my battery screwed?? Is it normal for my quad to be draining a consistent 20amps without even being armed? It seems to drop around 1 percent every 10-15 seconds without even spinning up the props...

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  • No, not normal.

    How do you know it's draining to 60%. Maybe that data's incorrect (faulty power module?)

    Do you have a balance charger? Should be quick and easy to put the battery on discharge and see if it's massively faulty.

    Did you store the battery for a few months on maximum or minimum charge? Both will damage the battery, but even still...

    Is anything on the quad getting suspiciously warm or hot (including wiring), suggestive of a short circuit somewhere?

    Good luck.


    • Thanks for the reply George,

      I am monitoring it through the Tower App connected via 3dr. I can sit and watch the battery(s) go down and the battery current in the app reads at a constant 28ish before even arming the drone. I have 3 of the same battery and they are all doing the same thing.

      All of the batteries were put into storage at about 3.8 per cell, and when balance charging last night I took them all up to 4.17 - 4.20 each cell.

      I could not find anything on the quad that was even remotely warm though. I have pulled the whole thing down and rebuild last night to make sure that there was no wiring issues. I might try and put it all onto a new frame tonight and see if that fixes the issue (PCB frame).

      I am thinking that there has to be something onboard that is pulling a shite load more power than it should be... m-meter time me thinks :(

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