New Low-Cost Wind Tunnel

   I wanted to take a minute to introduce myself and our company.My name is Mike Metcalf and I represent Engineering & Scientific Innovations, Inc. We are located in Cincinnati, OH right off I-75. Recently, we have finished the construction on a Wind Tunnel facility that I think will really be of interest within the UAV and aircraft component community. We also have a diverse research backgrounds in other areas, one being High-Speed Imaging. We can offer affordable, expert wind tunnel test services, and have the necessary tools on hand, that allow us to meet many different needs at one location.

  We are a small woman-owner engineering firm, associated with Wright-Patterson Air Force Base and other DoD agencies.

I hope you will take a look at our website if you have a chance.


Please feel free to contact me

Mike Metcalf

(W) 513-605-3700

(C) 812-212-2625

ESI Wind Tunnel (OJAA) LineCard 20Dec2010.pdf

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  • Your brocure does not mention any force or moment measuring capability. Can you?

    I get the impression that you are not interested in publishing your rates. Why? Can I ask if your rates are less than $300 an hour?

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