Two days ago I had no issues.  Only issue I had when I tried to CCW yaw the bird would drop 10 feet.  So tried to change some parameters dealing with yaw.  Next flight couldn't get off the ground.  Have since gone back to the beginning and reset PM firmware to plane then back to multirotor.  Still same issue?  I have turned off GEO fence and batteries are fully charged.  Again two days ago could get up to 110' now can't get a foot off the deck.  

I've tried emailing 3D Robotics for help but that is like trying to get help with your YOGO!

I posted the log files from the last a temp.   I messed up to start off by not backing up the original parameters prior to changing anything.  But now it should be all back to ground zero.  Wondering if now I have something mechanical?

It's doing this in both Loiter and stabilize modes.  Haven't tried any others.



2014-07-28 16-24-52.rlog

2014-07-28 16-24-52.tlog

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  • Went through and re calibrated the esc and now I can get off the ground again!  So back to the beginning but at least now I'm off the ground.  Big question is why did the esc calibration reset?

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