

My name is Mike and I am currently working towards my M.S. degree in Aerospace Engineering at Cal Poly San Luis Obispo. My thesis work involves demonstrating a new UAV swarm intelligence algorithm in RC scale aircraft and I've decided to implement the UDB. My goals are to work out the kinks of this new algorithm by doing some HIL testing and then actual flight testing.


I wanted to introduce myself and thank you all for the great work you've done with the UAV Dev Board. Also, I've run into several issues that I hope you can help me with...


Here's my current set-up:

- Dynam Hawk Sky (w/ servos and RX/TX that came in kit)

- UDB v3

- Ublox 5

- FTDI cable with adapter (from diy store)

- PicKit 2 (windows 7)

- MatrixPilot 2.5


Current goal:

- Set up all components

- Set up HIL testing



- Cannot switch modes using channel + trim set up (ie. RX in unresponsive despite trying to change modes and I have no idea what mode it is in when the IMU is first turned on)

- I cannot get my ublox to acquire GPS signal at all. I've connected everything up according to instructions and have left it in the middle of my front yard for up to 20 mins and still not lock. The red light is on, but the green light is off.

- Cannot connect GPS to computer to update firmware. See my post here:

- HIL using xplane is unsuccessful. When xplane is first booted up, an error says "CreateFile Error = 2." Is this an issue with the plug in? I placed the prebuilt plugin HILSIM-win.xpl int he plugin directory, but there seems to be not connection. 


These problems may be related, but I am still trying to learn the system. This has been a very rough start for me and I'd appreciate any help/advise that you all may have.



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