

I decided to build a 450 size quad as a first build while I wait for the snow to melt!. I am an experienced RC (and fixed wing UAV) flyer but have never built a quad before. I nkow APM very well.

Which is the most stable configuration for the Quad? should I make a + or an X, and for which reason. 

it will have a KK2.0 flight controller until its learned how to fly then it will graduate to a Pixhawk. 

Thanks for the advice


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  • The arguments over + or x as the best beginner quad are silly.

    Pick one and stick with it. X does have a slight advantage when it comes to camera mounting if/when you go that route.

    I fly X, am building a hex now... there is no variation of that (unless you count a Y-6 a hex...which I don't).

    KK2.0 is an fine entry way to get into a quad. I don't have one, only KKs and APMs. KK2.0 is cheaper to get into but, of course, has no capabilities for autonomous behavior. Just fine for buzzing around the sky, getting used to eye tracking your quad.


    • Moderator
      Thanks Doug
      I was looking at the X as it seems easier to orient but I did not want to go down that route at the expense of ease of success. A camera will certainly fix its way onto the. Quad ASAP. Then the pix hawk. But I'm happy to walk before I run.
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