New quad with Pixhawk questions

Hello, I'm new to the forum.

I have a few years of experience building smaller quads controlled with Naze32 boards, so I have experience tuning them.  But I just built a bigger 450 quad with a Pixhawk.  This is my first experience with that controller and Arducopter/Mission Planner software.

I have the latest (3.6 I think) version of Arducopter running and have it flying reasonably well in Stabilize mode.  I believe I have the compass and accelerometer calibrated well, and I have a 3D fix.  What I see is that when I put the quad in Loiter mode, it starts drifting, mostly roll or pitch wise, not yaw.  I can correct the drift, but over time, the drift increases.

I have a log downloaded and noticed a couple things that I don't understand.  The first thing I see is that there are some errors shown as "Err:FLIGHT_MODE-3".  I'm not sure what that means.  The main question I have is what to look for in the logs.  I guess the drift could be anything from radio calibration to control system tuning to noise on accelerometers and compass.

Could someone take a quick look at the log an point out the obvious things for me to start looking at.




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  • Thanks...I did hear the tones, and wasn't sure what that meant.  What are you seeing in the log that's telling you the GPS quality isn't good?  I see the HDOP around 1 and the status at 4.

  • First off you are running 3.3.3 of Ardupilot.  When you were flying you should have heard two tone beeps indicating it could not stay in that flight mode.

    Because of the trees that tend to block or reflect GPS signals the GPS was not good.  Since Loiter requires a good GPS signal it was giving you these errors and also losing its position.

    I would fly in a more open area.

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