New Xbee Telemetry Kit Not Working

Things were going good until now so here's my first post.


Received my new DIY Telemetry Kit and assembled as per the manual.


Should be PnP by the sounds of it but more Plug and Pray. All lights on the Xbee Board flash (some dim).  (ON LED, ASC/RSSI LED, Tx and Rx all flicker when connected to IMU Telem port)


If I connect via FTDI/USB to my PC I can query modem and run a terminal between the two Xbee so they pair and communicate.


I'm using my ESC to power the board and tried USB so I could run xbee test but same prob.  



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  • Well it acted up again. Getting sick up unbricking the Xbee but have it down now to a science :P

    Turns out to be the cable that connects the Xbee to AdruPilot that came with the Telemetry kit. I didn't have any connectors to make something up but I wire wrapped the Xbee adapter board to AdruPilot (See Pictures).

    Also I attached a link to view the funky lights on the Xbee when it was acting up.



  • Already done that, all clean and nice and shiny.

  • I've confirmed the cable and Xbee orientation as per the Telemetry Kit Manual but the Xbee's work via Hyper Terminal to Hyper Terminal....The Xbee configuration is straight forward but it doesn't like it when it is connected to the IMU Telem port.

  • AMP is 1.0.54

    Yes I confirmed port in Device Manager and Baud at 57k. But shouldn't the ON status light stay solid not flash with RSSI, Tx or Rx lights?
  • The problem is I can't establish a link via APM(2.22) with Xbee.  When Xbee is connect to IMU Telem Port all the Status LED's on Xbee Adapter Board flash together and that's all that happens.


    Tried re-loading firmware but same problem.

  • Ah just checked the 5V+ and GND pins on IMU and I have 2.6VDC I think this could be the cause but why? Shouldn't the USB support this board? Shouldn't draw that much....
  • 3D Robotics
    You haven't said what the problem is. What APM software are you running and what isn't working?
This reply was deleted.
