Newbie and project feasibility

I'm a mechanical engineer, so my experience in electronics is limited to around soldering and simple DC items; and my programming ability is minimal. Figured a UAV was a nice way to learn and combine it with my like for aircraft.Wanted to put my plan out to see what, if anything, people have to say about its feasibility and any suggestions on what/where to learn; on what chassis and parts I should use.My aim is to construct a battery based fixed wing system with an earth pointed camera and an fpv with the ability to switch between the two, or one camera on a gimble--want it to be a thermal camera eventually but I haven't seen and cheap dualies yet. Would be nice if I could get 2+ hour flight time.On programming/autonomy, I would like it to be able to circle my ground station/setup at variable radii--basically orbit the station and track it while continuing to orbit even while the station moves. Say if the station was carried in a backpack or some other light/mobile station setup. I've seen those Fatsharks and would like to use them or something along those lines. As well as having the ability to be sent to a more distant waypoint and either loiter there until recalled manually or by time limit or go out and come back in a sweep and resume its previous orbit. Ceiling would be around 100m, range maximum would be around 1 km.That's my general goal--comments, critiques, suggested plans and suggestions welcomed.

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  • 2+ hours on electric is difficult but not impossible. The rest is no problem for an APM.
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