Newbie looking for a basic and cheap setup

I´m a camera operator and I´m looking for expanding my shootings tools
Never flown an rc quad/hexacopter
I´m looking to get the same capabilities of the DJI Phantom regarding GPS/autopilot.
I want to spend the less money I could (I live in Argentina and imported parts are really expensive for us)
I don´t want to become an aerial shooter specialist, just to have the chance of getting good aerial footage in the projects I´m involved (I shoot a lot of documentaries): I want the copter in the backseat and use it when the situation calls for it only (and for some fun for myself. Sure!)
I have seen some cheap quads and hexacopters complete kits in e-bay
I would add a gimbal. I think 3 axis would be ideal (I intend to fly a GoPro) 
And I´m thinking in adding a ardupilot+gps for preset fights and altitude hold control...(cheaper than the NAZA)

Would this be a right choise? I don´t know about component differences...
Or should I go for a DJI F450 or F550?... (are the hexa more stable, or just more expensive)
I just want some steadi shots. I don´t want to fly heavy cameras for now
I´m assuming right if I think that for a quadcopter you need a four channel radio TX/RX? (6 for an hexacopter?)
would this give me 3 free channels to control the gimbal in a 7 channel system?
If I want to make a two person flight: one on the copter and one on the camera: Do I need two separate TX/RX sets?

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  • Hi Alejandro,

    First look here for a Blog of another person new to this trying to do pretty much what you are trying to do and look at all the responses as well.

    To summarize, get something you can learn with then build it up to  the pint where you can do more.

    Get a real DJI F450 or F330 Flamewheel ARF quad to start (Do not get a Hex like the F550) (Link in referenced Blog).

    The little F450 and F330 quads actually handle superbly and have huge excess performance.

    An F450 can carry a light gimbal and GoPro.

    Do NOT get one of the clones like you are showing on EBAY get the real DJI F450 or F330 Flamewheel ARF kit they have the best components and the frames are stiff enough to work right, the clones are not.

    Kike Jaan said, don't start off trying to use a camera, learn how to fly first.

    If you want to save some money, start with a simple flight controller like the old Verson 2 KK I recommended in the other BLOG:

    And when you are ready to move up then get a Pixhawk and seriously join our group:

    Only after you have learned to fly well with this stuff should you actually even start to think about a camera, gimbal, extended landing gear, etc.

    By then you will have the experience to figure out what you really need or want anyway.

    If you follow this route, you WILL thank me later.

  • first thing to do for you is to buy cheapest quad/hexa/heli you can get and start learning how to operate it - and by "operating" i mean more than just "flying" (though, flying will probably be the trickiest part).

    something that can carry gopro on 3-axis gimbal is out of a "toy league" and can be dangerous to others - especially in hands on unexperienced flyer. there is no flight controller today on the market that would allow you to take heli/quad out of the box and immediately start flying without any training/learning

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