Newbie - possibilities of Drones/Planes ?

Hi ! I just found out about possibilites of these things, so i have five questions, i would want to know answer to.

1)Long distance flights - How far can i fly ?

2)Cargo - Can they hold up cargo ? My camera have 1.5 and lens from 0.5 to 1kilo. So can they hold up to 3kg of additional weight ?

3)Autopilot - How sophisticated are autopilots nowdays ? Can they fly itself when i make flight plan ?

4)Price - If i would want long-distance drone/plane with cargo, how much i would pay ?

5)Speed - How fast are these things ? Can they achieve 80km/h with my requirements ?

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  • Wow, your questions are kind of hard to answer...

    1)Long distance flights - How far can i fly ?

    This depends on if you are using battery or gas. What type of aircraft are you using helicopter/ airplane? How big is it?


    Yes, depending on your setup you could carry some cargo. You won't be able to carry a real car with a little helicopter so you will have to define what you are using in Q1.


    Very sophisticated. You can make them fly in one spot or fly a full mission from takeoff to landing and everything inbetween.


    This again goes back to Q1. If you have the money and time you could put together just about anything. But you can also go a little cheaper and go smaller scale and get away with about $350. Look around the net and you will see that prices for what you need aren't really that bad (you might be able to get something cheaper if you look hard enough)


    I don't think that current flight speed/ payload/ airframe capabilities will allow you to get this kind of speed, however I have not looked into that aspect personally. But I guess with enough time/ money anything is possible.

  • Legally Line of sight otherwise a mile (depending on type)

    Yes (dependent on setup)

    YES defiantly can!

    multi thousand (how much cargo, what type?)

    and yes depending on airframe. look at the c2 towards the bottom. speed in exess of 100MPH

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