Newbie - quadcopter wont take off

I have a quad copter with the below specs build (my very first one) and i cannot get it to fly... I checked the props to ensre they are placed correct with they are... I checked the rotation of them.. they are correct.. when I put it throdle to half way or more it wants to flip. please help im getting very faustrated..

RCTimer 2830-1000KV brushless motor x4 sets
SimonK ESC 30A X4 sets
1045 Carbon Reinforced Forward&Reverse propeller X4 SETS(2Pairs)
RM 450 V2 Frame*1
Turnigy 2200mAh 3S 30C Lipo Pack
Hobbyking KK2.0 Multi-rotor LCD Flight Control Board
10x4.5 Props
Turnigy 9X 9Ch Transmitter w/ Module & 8ch Receiver (Mode 2) (v2 Firmware)

I also made sure the KK2 is oriented correctly on the quad. The row of buttons should be towards the rear of the quad, LCD towards the front.

Also, perform an ESC calibration with the KK2.

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  • I'd triple-check your prop orientation.  On my first Y6 test flights I was having the same problem... just enough thrust to liftoff and all it wanted to do was flip.  Turned out I had two props reversed so it was fighting itself for lift.  

    What guide did you use for motor orientation?  When I built my first KK2 there were two conflicting guides for motor rotation, so try to find a second source to be sure they're setup correctly.

    Also, and I cannot stress this enough, take your props off for ANY work on the motors, ESCs, or props.  I got too relaxed when tuning my first tricopter and the thing reared up and sliced my cheek, almost taking out my eye.  Now I take off my props whenever I'm doing tuning indoors.

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