
  • It would be best for you to use a Power Module. A full description for how to power an APM is here. I'd recommend not bothering with a telemetry radio until you get things running with just the basics.

    • so im looking at this but i see two female plugs and my lipo  battery has one female and one male. What is xt60? does that required additional parts? ,y battery is a 20c zippy 5000

      • The pic you linked to shows one female and one male plug, as it should be. Those yellow plugs are called XT60 connectors.

        Ummmm, not to be rude, but the questions you are asking are VERY basic, and things you should already know if you're building an APM-powered quad from scratch. You might want to consider putting the build on hold for a little while and do a lot of reading. Otherwise there's a good probability you will make the expensive magic smoke come out of your APM.

        • I appreciate your response Tom. The connectors are different than the zippy battery so I will have to solder XT60 connectors onto the battery to allow it to connect. Maybe that's VERY basic but at least I'm on here asking questions I came on this forum to ask questions, maybe sometime very basic because I have never flown or built a quad before. I have visited the link you provided before I started this discussion. There doesn't seem to be a one stop shop for information. My brain learns by doing, hands on, and also reading as I go. Thanks for your input. 

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