newbie to here, need help getting started!

Hey Ladies and gents,

I am new on here and want to learn the basics on autonomous flight. i want to purchase an arduplane that is not fully assembled( want to learn how to put together myself). Also laws and local ordinances here in california. i suppose my short term goals are as follow; i want a drone thats capable of autonomous flight, live recording, short ranged, and my budget will be 1,000 for starters. again i want to learn to do everything myself with some direction from you experts.



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  • There's a whole lengthy thread here about the current state of FAA rules.

    Basically, if you fly for personal pleasure (not commercial) any flight below 4,000 ft and not near airports, you won't likely have any problems.  (Reference, FAA Advisory Circular 91.97)

    There can be no local or state laws concerning aviation - the FAA supersedes any local control of flight activities.  Unfortunately, drone aircraft are too new for the rulemaking process - we have to wait for the regulators to catch up.

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