Newbie Wiring Question/ArduIMU/8ch Receiver

I am trying to complete my first build of an ArduIMU v2 (flat) quadcopter (using Jose Julio's version as a guide).

I am close and just need to connect the receiver.

I bought a Turnigy 9TX transmitter that comes with an 8 ch receiver.  While it was relatively cheap, quality it is not.  It looks almost remanufactured and there was a lose screw rattling around inside.  One thing it does not come with is a manual or wiring diagram of any kind to help the newbies of the world.

So, a few questions:
1) what voltage does the receiver take?
2) each channel takes a three pin connector, what is the layout for each pin?
3) it looks like it transmits a PPM signal, do I just connect CH1 to the ArduIMU?

Thanks for any help and sorry for the basic questions.

If feel like I am close to flying.


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  • Developer
    Hi James,

    I think Christof made a mistake.

    The standard connector format for receivers, servos, etc. is [Gnd, Vcc, Signal], not signal in the middle.

    The ArduPilot code is not written to deal with a PPM frame, only individual PWM pulse trains. You could rewrite the code to use PPM, but it defeats the purpose of the hardware multiplexor.
  • Hi James

    1) usually 5V
    2) [-s+]
    3) ArduIMU is connected to the Ardupilot, the receiver and the Servos (ESC's) to the AP

    Follow the wiki and you are fine

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