Nitro/Gasser (Petrol) Throttle latest

Hi all

I'm wondering what the latest is on throttle control through the apm for nitro/gasser powered helis?

My current thoughts on controlling the throttle are to have my channel 7 (I've mixed CP to Aux2 - which is channel 7) go into the throttle in of a align 3gx unit fitted with a governor and then from there to the throttle servo - I know this will work but this seems stupid.

At the moment I can't seem to find a way to get any throttle output - even passthrough of the channel via my pixhawk apm

I have a trex 600n dfc that currently runs a redline 56 nitro engine but we're modifying a petrol engine to fit within the airframe. The CCPM mixing seems to be great through the apm and I now have vibrations down within the guidance - all I need now to try flying with the pixhawk is some way of controlling the throttle.

Thanks in advance.

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  • If you are using an external governor, can you not use the signal normally output from Ch8, intended for an ESC in governor mode, to drive the governor?  I would think that would work?

    I do have code running now that allows control of a nitro/gas throttle servo in a simple open-loop V-curve, similar to what you would have in your radio.  Hopefully it will come out with AC3.2.

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