No absolute altitude checkbox?

I'm using the latest version of Mission Planner (Mission Planner 1.3.32 - 15-9-2015) on Windows 10, and when creating a Survey Mission, I get the warning "absolute altitude selected, are you sure?".

Looking at the documentation, it seems that previous versions had a checkbox for selecting absolute altitude, but I don't see it anywhere in this version. Am I missing something? Is there another way to make sure the missions are using altitude relative to home, and not absolute altitude? Thank you.

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  • Developer

    this is a function on the flightplanner screen, is this for copter or plane? and have you ever uploaded a mission to either of these before?

    for plane the box will appear, for copter it will not.

    • Michael,

      Thank you. I was connecting to a multirotor with Copter 3.3. I did upload a few missions to the copter before.

      I got the warning after updating from 3.2.1. I believe Copter missions should be always relative altitude, correct? Any ideas why I got absolute altitudes, and how can I revert to relative, without the box?

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