No command prompt?

I'm building my first Quad using a QUAD004 from and and for control have bought and put together an ArduPilot Mega Kit with all the sensors.

While I'm waiting for the rest of the hardware to arrive I've been familiarising myself with the software environment.

Using the APM Planner I am delighted how easy it is to upload the firmware (Initially Arducopter 2.0.25) and configure it. Having done this without problems I was able to go to the 'Flight Data' tab and see all the sensors working, including GPS.

A couple of days later I came back to APM Planner and uploaded ArduCopter 2.0.29. However, now when I try to do the first time setup the radio window does not appear and the Planner 'hangs'. As a independent check I downloaded the Arduino IDE, compiled 2.0.29 and uploaded it from there.

The code compiles and uploads fine ( the Tx/Rx LEDS flash). However when I go to the serial monitor, I only get part of the normal startup message:

Init ACM

FW Version 102


That's all - no command prompt! Any ideas? I'm completely stuck!

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